【日本未発売!新品未使用!】New balance M991PSG made in England UK9税込定価31,800円Fourty years on, the 991 from New Balance maintains its well-deserved top-spot in sneaker fans rotations. This latest grey and teal rendition from the legendary Flimby factory line-up shows us what the UK has to offer. Inspired by ‘80s hiking, the usual suede uppers and AZSORB cushioning is there but given a textural upgrade this season, mismatching materials. Tonal teals clash with a hairy heel counter and ripstop toe, rounding off with a pink tongue and neon pop at the heel.Synthetic UppersPigskin Leather & Suede OverlaysABZORB MidsoleRubber Outsole
【日本未発売!新品未使用!】New balance M991PSG made in England UK9税込定価31,800円Fourty years on, the 991 from New Balance maintains its well-deserved top-spot in sneaker fans rotations. This latest grey and teal rendition from the legendary Flimby factory line-up shows us what the UK has to offer. Inspired by ‘80s hiking, the usual suede uppers and AZSORB cushioning is there but given a textural upgrade this season, mismatching materials. Tonal teals clash with a hairy heel counter and ripstop toe, rounding off with a pink tongue and neon pop at the heel.Synthetic UppersPigskin Leather & Suede OverlaysABZORB MidsoleRubber Outsole
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