BTS メンバーシップ、マーチパック会員限定のマーチボックス3です。新品未開封です。おまけをおつけします。BTS Official Fanclub Army Member ShipMerch PackMerch Box #3 It’s new and unopened. InformationMerch Box #3 is available to the membership holders of ARMY Membership: Merch Pack offered year-round.The Merch Box can only be purchased through the Weverse Shop (GLOBAL, USA or JAPAN) you have purchased your membership from.
BTS メンバーシップ、マーチパック会員限定のマーチボックス3です。新品未開封です。おまけをおつけします。BTS Official Fanclub Army Member ShipMerch PackMerch Box #3 It’s new and unopened. InformationMerch Box #3 is available to the membership holders of ARMY Membership: Merch Pack offered year-round.The Merch Box can only be purchased through the Weverse Shop (GLOBAL, USA or JAPAN) you have purchased your membership from.
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